Saturday 7 October 2017

Beware the Box

I love how this piece came to be. I'm not going to explain everything, but you will get some answers.

After using my watercolours for the 100th post, I wanted to recreate that same lighting effect from the light bulb but use it for a different, possibly more epic scenario. And that's when I found a video on YouTube about Pandora's Box. I was aware of this myth to begin with, but actually watching and learning about the story motivated me to make this piece.

There are two general ideas of the story. The original where Pandora is an evil girl who promptly releases the evils from her box when given as a gift by Zeus. The more contemporary version depicts Pandora as a curious girl who is tempted to open the box, with much regret afterwards.

I decided to create a Pandora's Box scenario (so to be clear, this is not the actual myth I've drawn) and divide Pandora into two, the evil and good depictions being present at the opening of the box. This became two completely separate people rather than two sides of one identity. The box is being opened in a cavern and the evil one is maniacally laughing with triumph while the innocent is struck with regret.

The blue girl will be making a return next week when I reveal who she is, giving a little more insight into the world of Droey's Draws. As for the man in white, I'm afraid he's going to remain a mystery for a long time. Come back on Friday to see who this blue girl is and learn a bit more about what's happening in this picture!

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