Friday 19 October 2018

Inktober | Zombie and Ghost

Zorica the Walking Dead

Zorica isn't dead in the conventional sense, but she's not the girl she used to be. Zodiac was once just a living person just like any other, but then was whacked too hard in a mosh pit. She was knocked so hard that her soul detached from her body, becoming a ghostly entity. Poor Zorica can't work out how to get back into her body but now her body just wanders without thought while she follows her Zombie around to make sure the body stays okay for when she can merge once more.

Zombie Zorica doesn't think, speaks in moans and groans, slouches and walks sluggishly wherever she goes. Ghost Zorica now has more responsibilities than she asked for, looking out for her physical form and keeping her out of trouble. This has made Zorica cranky, fed up and more free in the ability to speak her mind, since almost nobody can hear her! She has met other ghosts and even though they offer friendship, Zorica assures she won't be a ghost for much longer, she just needs to work out how she'll become one with her body again.

I thought it'd be a pretty cute concept to have a ghost and zombie of the same person where the ghost is the guardian, I can't recall any scenarios where this has been done before, though it probably has. You're probably thinking that Zorica doesn't look very Zombie like but that's because I didn't want this one to look gruesome, just closer to the cute side. It adds to the potential humour of how nobody may actually realize she is a zombie. This might be the least Halloween looking entry as a result, but tomorrow's will look more conventional for the occasion!

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