Thursday 25 October 2018

Inktober | Pumpkin

Jarrahdale the Pumpkin

Jarrahdale doesn't have many friends. He's a nice enough guy, very welcoming but when the other Sbookies find out about his passion for pyromania, they tend to avoid him. Jarrahdale has an obsession with candles particularly and loves to light them. His parents have tried their best to make Jarrahdale see sense but he just can't help himself and even dreams of becoming a fire eater. This causes great upset for his dad who wanted him to take over the family business of lighting the gas lamps in their town.

At the moment it seems unlikely that Jarrahdale will be taking on any business since he isn't doing very well in school. He spends a lot of days off due to being sick, but only his closest friends know he can master the art of faking sickness so he can stay at home to continue his practice with handling fire for his dream job!

Don't be like Jarrahdale, don't skip classes and don't play with fire! But do come back tomorrow for the next Inktober installment!

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