Monday 8 October 2018

Inktober | Ghouly Bear

The Ghouly Bears

They're yummy and they're scary, if you go down to the woods today you're sure for a big surprise! Ghouly Bears can be found in the forests and the mountains mostly, though some tribes can develop civilized behavior. They come in many colours and love to eat slime growing around the forest. Ghouly Bears generally don't have a long life span, their lives end in decomposure.

These Bears are greatly sought after by hunters since their gelatin bodies make for delicious confectionery. The civilized Ghouly Bears protest against hunting and have established reserves where others of their kind can thrive as nature intended. But still there many assault and murder crimes committed against Ghouly Bears, these menacing looking creatures are greatly mistreated.

I tried to keep a little cute in this piece but went for a more grotesque image, this particular Ghouly Bear is quite old. Tomorrow's Inktober will be a character of a more appealing appearance.

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