Thursday 11 October 2018

Inktober | Siren

Pearl the Siren

You're probably wondering why there's a siren among the Sbookies, well Halloween can happen in the ocean too can't it? Feel free of welcome Pearl be it Mermay or Inktober.

Pearl looks like a cute mermaid with a pet jellyfish, but she has an even bigger sting! Don't let her fool you for if you come too close to her or the jellyfish, she'll twirl her staff around and it's over for you! She claimed the cutlass from a ship she sunk, as well as the staff which she cut from the mast. The jellyfish is her pet Ben, he can't sting Pearl as she only feels tickled by his tentacles. Even though she has a con scheme and is known for tricking men, she is married to another sea sewellel, but you won't be seeing him for a while yet.

So this is the only mermaid that'll be featuring in the Inktober collection I'm doing, tomorrow's entry is very different from this one's aquatic nature!

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