Tuesday 16 October 2018

Inktober | Judges, for Halloween?

The Judges

There is a strange fluffy creature with white feathers and golden horns that protect it's eye. This creature is the home to many smaller ones like it, but their eyes are free to see the world. They leave on a journey that allows them to view everything they can walk to. As time goes on, their feathers turn black and start to malt. Their red skin is exposed and they become agitated and aggressive. 

They've never actually done anything to affect anyone other than scare with their habit of screeching upon sighting another life. Legend has it that they are judging you on behalf of the Lord. There are some reported sightings where these creatures bow after their screeching, as if to honour those they have sighted. It is believed these are the people who are pure of sin or forgivable. It is these sightings and behaviours that gave them their name 'Judges'.

To be honest this was one of my least favourite concepts, it was the religious concept that gave these creatures a bit more appeal but it wasn't much of a saving grace. Perhaps a revamp some time in the future will fix these creatures.

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