Sunday 28 October 2018

Inktober | Hooded Creature

Trixie the Hooded Creature

The woods and forests are a dangerous place. You could encounter Ghouly Bears, Handy Biters and all sorts. One native to the woodlands is a little creature dressed in purple and carrying a basket of treats.

Trixie skips through the forests with her basket and looks nothing more than an innocent little creature. Get too close to her and you'd be in for a fright! Trixie might decide to give you a scare, swing her basket of sweets at you or devour you- it depends on how she's feeling. Trixie isn't completely unapproachable so she's never lonely but she enjoys her solitude and is very protective of her basket. Should you cross and survive Trixie, be prepared for a trick of her devising, she preaches for revenge and will always succeed in getting it.

So that's Trixie, a monster that has not been so easily recognized. Tomorrow's Sbookie is based on a much more familiar Halloween monster!

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