Friday 26 October 2018

Inktober | Werewolf

Styx the Werewolf

Normal people don't live among the Sbookies, so if you see one it probably means there's a transformation due. And at night, Styx makes his transformation from man to hound. Nobody knows how Sticks came to be a werewolf but it happened during a midlife crisis. Once he became a werewolf Styx would become more lively and enjoy partying out every night, making lots of noise and even starting a few fights!

So who is Styx by day? Well he delivers post around the land of the Sbookies and is a lovable postman, most people haven't made the connection between Postman Styx and Werewolf Styx, due to the large amount of differences in not only their physical appearance but characteristic traits. Only his moustache, Yorkshire accent and love for denim are the same either time of the day.

Is the moon full where you are tonight? Maybe you'll bump into Styx! Only five more entries for Inktober to go, will I manage it? Come back tomorrow for a chance to find out!

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