Tuesday 2 October 2018

Inktober | The Handy Biters

The Handy Biters

This idea just popped out of nowhere, and so do these creatures seemingly! I think I've seen the sort of thing in horror pictures of hands just being there sticking out of the ground, be that Zombies crawling out or just hands living independently I'm not sure. These hands aren't human but they look very much like it at first glance.

This species is rooted into the ground and feeds on the swamps it lives in. The only catch is by consuming the marsh they produce a venom that they need to vent out; that's where the weird snake like head comes in. The hand is for gripping it's prey while the head injects the venom. Anyone unfortunate enough to tread through their swamps is likely to be poisoned. The only place you can find an antidote is the land of the Sbookies, where these swamps reside. To the locals these creatures are a mere nuisance that pass on a condition that is to them as deadly as the common cold.

The rest of the creature deep underground has never been seen before and nobody can decide on what it looks like. Are all the hands individual creatures or are they all connected to one big monster? Despite this creature's habits, if you ever get stuck in these swamps you're likely to get a helping hand from it, in exchange of a bite of course!

So that's an attempt at designing my own Halloween creature, come back tomorrow to see a more famous monster get a Sbookies twist!

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