Tuesday 9 October 2018

Inktober | Vampire

Ebony Snow the Vampire

A fitting name for someone who's hair is black as ebony and skin as white as snow. Ebony is the daughter to Count Snow, owner of a mirror manufacturing company. Only the finest mirrors have ever been sold by the Snow fortune, one such mirror in the possession of a queen!

Ebony lives with her father and seven 'adopted' brothers, all of which were not vampires prior. She has a forest on her estate in which she serenades to the bats. When she's at home however she is having everything cleaned, Ebony is a complete clean freak, most probably brought on by her lifestyle of riches.

Is that a ring on her finger, yes it is! But her husband is no longer with us. She kept the ring but was not best pleased that he wasn't willing to become a vampire.

So today's piece is an obvious Snow White parody, I just had to try this out! Come back tomorrow for something that's always been there to haunt people...

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