Friday 1 September 2017

The Ten Minute Mr. Men Challenge

I was feeling bored one day and then decided to do myself a challenge. I was thinking of doing the 10 minute, 5 minute, 1 minute challenge but couldn't come up with something to draw for the challenge. I still had a bit of the Mr. Men vibe from those Dr. Men books and know that I have drawn the cast of the actual Mr. Men series many times. Could I do it from memory?

I set myself the challenge to draw as many as I could in ten minutes with no references or eraser (as a security measure I drew in pen). The quickest way for me to remember the characters was to go in the order they are aligned on the back cover of their books. So with everything set up I got started.

I was surprised to find ten minuets later that I had only drawn twenty of them, each one taking almost thirty seconds at an approximate. Unfortunately I didn't get to finish the only Little Miss on the sheet, Little Miss Sunshine. While all of the Mr. Men can be identified, I think some of them came out misshapen, such as Mr. Tickle, Mr. Bump and Mr. Lazy.

I wasn't proud of this, but I learnt from it and what's a better outcome than signing my praises I think. I realize I am not a very fast artist and if I ever need to work faster, I should work on picking up the pace. I know that my memory can serve better than my expectations (not to say that I will never use a reference of course) and that I am capable of drawing with the pen straight away, something I should work on to be able to ink lines more confidently.

Do you think you're up to the challenge? Can you beat 20.5 characters? Give this a try and let me know what your results are, and good luck to you if you try it out.

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