Saturday 9 September 2017

YouTubers as Mr. Men

Just as I was getting all the Mr. Men out of my system, Dr. Men only went and released the second wave of books! I got them straight away, red them straight away and was back into drawing Mr. Men straight away! I'm trying my best not to make it a habit that dominates the content of my blog.

I decided I felt like drawing some of the YouTubers that I frequently watch, and chose the Mr. Men style. I haven't put any names on these in case you wanted to guess, but if you do wan't to guess then I advise not reading beyond the image until you feel ready to see the answers.

Okay, below this sentence I will begin identifying them all for anyone who does not know the identities of these Mr. Men and Little Misses. From top left to bottom right, here is the list:


Familiars to this blog will have heard this name before because this particular YouTuber is who drove me to do the Alphabet Challenge myself. Waffles [which I will refer to her as to make this easier] comes across as that one cartoon character whose always bubbly and joyful. Her art style is fantastic and before I started Droey's Draws I would be watching her sketchbook tours, loving her traditional art work. Her digital art also boasts her talent and by watching her create those masterpieces I have been able to learn enough to make my own digital art, so if you're reading this, thanks Waffles!

For her Little Miss, I drew most of the inspiration from her Waffle logo, including what is now a cute little hat. I added a nose similar to the shape of the noses she draws (I love her noses, I can't quite match them but they look so good!). This design was also given freckles, Waffle's real hair and her boots that she wore in her #MeetTheArtist video.

Jaiden Animations

My favourite of the animation channels. Not to say I don't like any of the others but Jaiden was the first I stumbled upon. I find her content relatable due to our fairly similar personality traits and her style of animation is always a joy to watch. I felt it was about time I made a bit of fan art including her, especially since so many of her fans already do.

Her Little Miss design was easy to come up with. I wanted to be as faithful to her animated self as possible. So I kept her circle head, placed the hair on it and then coloured her in her light purple. I also made her a taller Little Miss like Somersault so that her hair would not have to be shortened.

Butch Hartman

If you don't know who this guy is, you've probably been living under a rock or just don't like cartoons. Hartman is known for Danny Phantom, Fairly Odd Parents and Tuff Puppy (also will be known by a new generation for Bunsen Is A Beast). These cartoons all have fandoms and with only access to Fairly Odd Parents, that was show I would know him for. He is currently active with his own channel where he will draw or discuss his work and coming from someone who has made at least three respectable cartoons, he's the kind of person I ought to be taking notes from!

On the end cards of his videos, he will appear in his animated style and this is what I used as a base for his Mr. Man. I wanted to find a way to make the nose work into the design but I felt I couldn't do it and keep the design flattering. Now there was a part of me that wanted to colour him black (most probably due to that being the colour he constantly wears) but there were a few red flags. Primarily, that fact his design would be completely black, no Mr. Men or Little Miss to date have ever been black (but that could change, who knows?) or perhaps I would end up in the same trouble as Pokemon did with their Jynx (or however you spell it). So I resorted to his natural skin tone, which seems to have been done before for Mr. Men (see Wilfred the Wizzard).


I came across this channel by accident a few years ago. Some of you may know I'm a fan of Ninja Turtles, well so is this guy. Andre is known for summarizing, reviewing and discussing pop culture, mostly television shows of nostalgic value but also a few recent shows. His humour never fails to bring a smile to my face when it comes to watching his videos and since the discovery of him I have been keeping up with most of his videos.

I drew Andre's hair in the same way that Antony Ainley's The Master is depicted, since despite having shorter hair than Ainley, Andre's hair follows a very similar shape (from what I am able to tell in his videos anyway). However this means his Mr. Men counterpart's beard is more prominent as the Mr. Men don't really have a way to making the hair colour less obvious, it's either full opacity or none. I gave him the Mr. Forgetful shape to save making another circular Mr. Man and then placed a turtle next to him.


So there's a Little Miss Twins, why not have a duo of Mr. Men as well? And so my chosen duo are the Super Carlin Brothers, specialists in Disney owned paraphernalia. It is thanks to these two that one of my favourite Pixar movies, Ratatouille became even better (and has it's holes filled). If you think something is missing in that film, check out Anton Ego's Origins.

So turning these two into Mr. Men was a simple task. Pick a shape that suits them both, colour them accordingly to their logo and then give them some shoes (I felt they needed some sneakers). Like how Peter Capaldi's nose was featured on his design, these two have been given their noses, this would have to be the case so a pair of glasses could be applied (if you haven't noticed, all glasses bearing Mr. Men tend to have a nose).

MeiYuArt / FunToDraw

Mei Yu does a fair amount of fan art and art challenges, some of which I enjoy very much. I usually watch her FunToDraw videos and you may notice that in her Style Challenge Part 3, she actually made herself a Little Miss already! It was a decent interpretation but to me some things didn't seem quite right. By all means, she'll do her art how she likes, I respect that; but I felt the need to tweak this Little Miss a bit. I hope you don't mind Mei Yu, not trying to be better than you (I'm a long way off from being able to match!)

So as I said, this Little Miss is a tweaked design. The first thing to change and probably the most noticeable different (other than her skin tone) was the lack of clothes. Some wear shoes, hats or neck attire. But that's it. What a Mr. Man or Little Miss wears is restricted to what a human would wear on their head, hands and feet. This meant the t-shirt and trousers combo had to go. Blue remained an element of the colour scheme in her shoes, but the red was now absent so I replaced her skin tone with the red and made her nose the same pink as her original design. The other change I made was to remove the eye lashes, these would only be a genuine design feature if her character was to appear on Cartoon Networks' 'The Mr. Men Show'.


LavenderTowne is a YouTube artist who created the web-comic 'Unfamiliar' and has a delightful art style. In fact, you'll be able to find that some time around April or May I attempted her style on myself and gave Lavender the original Drawson style. Her videos are rather relaxing and her use of colour as well as shape really put her style on the map.

I tried to capture the typical shape used on the heads of LavenderTowne's characters so act as the body of her Little Miss. This resulted in a fairly rounded square which continues to curve all the way along each edge. The nose is also a nod to her art style as she seems to have the trademark of a tiny triangular nose where the skin tone is slightly darker. You may also notice she doesn't have the typical eyes of a Mr. Man or Little Miss. I didn't want to give the design the typical beady eyes since her eyes are also very distinctive, so I drew from Mr. Sneeze's eyes.

Bill Cipher

Wait what?

Okay he's not a YouTuber but I felt the need to interpret Bill Cipher as a Mr. Man. How do you think I did?

This is rather enjoyable but I'm not sure I will do this again, except from drawing these guys in the Drawson style, when I finally decide what that is. Do you think these YouTubers would like these interpretations of themselves, or would have done them this way? Who would you transfer to the world of Mr. Men and how would you try it?

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