Monday 6 March 2017

The Alphabet Challenge | E

E is for Eve

No second thoughts, nobody else considered, I was set on giving this fictional character some attention. I discovered Eve a couple of years back and was instantly hooked onto it, having now seen all of the first two seasons... I've got some catching up to do!

I love a bit of science fiction. It's always been there in my life, be it a police box or mutated ninjas or the less memorable but still wonderful at the time Lunar Jim. Eve was a breath of fresh air for me since I had not seen any sci-fi dramas recently, particularly those aimed the youth. The very concept of Eve herself is brilliant and so for the letter E who better could I think of?

Those of you who already know Eve may be aware that she can separate parts of her body at her own will, or at least just the hands anyway. So this gave me the opportunity to draw someone with detached parts for probably the first time. Eve is usually curious and cautious but I wanted to capture the happier side of her and so gave her Poppy's brilliantly roboticized smile and made her wave with the detached hand in her other hand.

And of course, yes! For the first time you are seeing some of my digital art! This is not the first time I've used Photoshop, it's actually the second. You'll see my first Photoshop piece some time soon. I'm trying to balance out my methods but I ought to inform you early on that they will all be colour pieces and so I'll do what I can to make them as experimental as possible. I'm considering learning the art of water-colours again so if I get a grasp on those, look forward to that some time.

Have you seen the letter D? If not you can check it out via my page for the 'Alphabet Challenge' as well as all previous entries. Look out for F coming soon!

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