Friday 10 March 2017

OC : Drobot

After watching some videos about a good Nickeloden classic [My Life As A Teenage Robot] I was just tempted to roboticize myself. No this is not Droey Drawson, but his robotic counterpart 'Drobot'.

I did have a few head shapes in mind as I designed this mechanical masterpiece.  The first design was the standard circular head with the Drawson Star printed onto his forehead. The second design was influenced by the mecha from Gurren Lagann (specifically Lagann) and so was given the Lagann chin and what you now see acting as the light piece on the hat. However this design was bottom heavy and so on my third design I tried something top heavy, which actually lead to the official design, a cylindrical hat with visor eyes.

Replacing the beard is three little lights, and the moustache is a mechanical plate. The legs were heavily inspired by that of Jenny Wakeman's (XJ9) and the rest was to my own imagination.

I was considering adding jets on the back that would be built to watch the shape created by Droey Drawson's hair but as you can see that has been removed from the official design. Though that's not to say you'll never see him wearing that attachment!

Would you be interested in seeing more roboticized or even humanised OC's? If so let me know and who you've like to see transformed in the comments!

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