Saturday 18 March 2017

Personification | Colours

Some time ago I felt like personifying the colours. I know this is something people do a lot but that's because it can be a fun experience. I only have two colours to present though and so first is White.

White is commonly connotated as innocence and purity so I naturally created a character which would come across as such. The most creative decision in this design would be the hair, which is actually shaped like the letter W both on the front and back.

I gave her the grey eyes because grey as a genuine eye colour and I wanted her design to be monochromatic, despite the use of blue for blushing.

The other colour I personified is red.

Again, the hair was inspired the same way and so you'll notice the R shape forming on the top of his head. It's difficult to tell but I've given him a rather bulky build, which at the moment is covered up by a sleeveless jacket.

I included the flame design on his jacket and spikes on his shoes to add some aggression to his design, as well as sharp eyebrows. He also has a rather squared jaw and a six-pack to add some masculinity to his body.

Not much I know but I've had a lot to do lately, expect more content as scheduled soon!

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