Wednesday 1 May 2019

On The Rocks

Mermay is back! This time I'll be showing you all of my Mermay content on the month, so let's start with this illustration of Julia, Sandy and Flo.

These are three of the five mermaid characters I designed last Mermay. I had consciously chosen not to work with them until this Mermay came around so it's nice to bring them back. I find I'm rarely drawing characters being serious so I gave all three of the mermaids serious expressions. I couldn't resist making the usually perky Sandy give a wave though, it would have been a bit boring if she was just sitting like the rest of her friends.

There are a couple of Easter eggs in this piece, firstly the lamp that Sandy holds. This is the lamp containing the genie she found on the seabed, in the post which I accidentally referred to Sandy as Star! There is also a sailing boat in the background which has a matching silhouette to the acrylic painting I did a long time ago. Could it be the very same boat?

So what about Star and Kyle? I'm sure we'll be seeing those two in the month as well. Be sure to enjoy this month of mermaid themed content and give a shot at drawing some mermaids this month yourself!

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