Saturday 27 April 2019

Into the Fiery Pit!

I wanted to draw something with a bit more realism this time. Usually I have my ideas prepared by this time I didn't, regardless I overcame the blank mindedness to create something wonderful.

I found a picture on Pinterest of someone who was holding on to a chain, if this person were to let go they would've fallen. It immediately made me think, villain about to fall to their doom. I've only got a small handful of villain characters eith out designing a new one and the favourite villain, Agrius Moth, has two extra arms which would not work in this illustration. That narrowed it down to Foey Flawson and given his rather gritty style this image felt perfect for him.

Most of the work came in the form of Foey himself. Not only did I have to replicate the pose but I had to make Foey look as realistic as possible, which was not so easy around the face. There's always that fine line between the right amount of face detail and too much of it, I got it right on this occasion and then added the scabby scars on his right cheek. The hair was additionally challenging since there would be loose strands to add and the hair would have a flow as if it was caught in the wind. This was to even out the details of the illustration, the top left was looking too bare.

The clothing wrinkles was initially a great challenge but I used my own clothes as reference for the jacket and the image inspiring this piece for the trousers and the shirt. I'm greatful that the man in the image was dressed in similar clothes because I had no idea what I was doing, I'm hopeless with clothing wrinkles! This is also the first time I've drawn a realistic cap head on and I'm pretty satisfied.

The last thing to do after inking was to add the fiery background, which would be burning from directly below. I had to turn to The Hunchback Of Notre Dame for reference illustrations, particularly the scene when Frollo falls to his death. I wanted this fiery background since Foey's primary colour is Orange so the background would reflect him quite well, I had no intention of colouring Foey himself. Towards the right, some of the fire is too dark but that was my mistake when watering the watercolour pencil, I had started brushing on the darker colours.

I'll look back on this illustration with pride and hope to reach it's quality or higher again very soon! What's your best illustration of a human person? If you're a Facebook user you can share it to me, or you can do another piece to see how you're doing in the present day!

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