Wednesday 24 April 2019

A Serving Of Sore Hand

It's a nice day out and Droey was out playing tennis, teaming up with John. It turns out John had brought him along so he could impress Ida, who was also going to be there. But John's mission didn't go as planned.

Droey didn't mind playing tennis, it was a bit tedious but at least the tennis courts had fencing to prevent the balls from going too far astray. Back in school Droey would often be having to leave the court to go and find the tennis ball. As you can tell, Droey and Tennis did not mix well. But John was in a rush today, and not because he was trying to get work done. John had recently found out that Ida was going to be playing Tennis with Anne Natalie and he was determined to be there so he could impress her.

In the time that John had to arrange his outing, Droey and Tenvad were the only ones available. Tenvad only played virtual sports or game with little physical activity, as many Technobians do. John had a straight choice; take Droey to Tennis or go on his own. So Droey and John were now in sportswear and armed with racquets, early.

'Okay, be sure to look cool at all times!' John instructed. 'Ida should be here on about fifteen. She'll see us, we'll keep going- keeping it smooth, then we'll go play doubles with them.'

'You've really thought this through, haven't you?' And John had, for just like he said, Ida would arrive with Anne Natalie fifteen minutes after they arrived. By now, Droey and John had already joined a doubles match against a friendly duo. John noticed Ida's arrival and suddenly his exaggerated confidence was switched on.

'Alright, Droey, this is it!' John murmured. By giving these instructions, John wasn't focusing on where the ball was headed. Droey was also distracted, but saw the ball coming and swung for it. He knew now would be the worst time for the ball to pass them, but it did. Droey was no longer focuses on the ball, because he'd struck something else. The sound of a racquet dropping could be heard andJohn was rubbing his hand as he helped in pain! Anne Natalie was surprised as Droey and Ida tried her best not to laugh, though a snorting sound forced it's way out of her mouth.

John was ambidextrous so for the remainder of the day John would play with his right hand. They still had a good time after their game with the friendly duo and when they challenged Anne and Ida. It wasn't what John had planned but he had managed to sort a day at one of the arcades, which was a win for him. John's hand was none the worse the next day but John was adamant that we would not be taking Droey to play Tennis again!

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