Wednesday 3 April 2019

Steal The Show Car

What started out as an idea about a road trip became a bit of fun in a car showroom! Jirou, now working there, is not best pleased about this!

Lottie was out with Anne, Ida and Evangeline when they passed the showroom and saw the nice looking car on it's pedestal. They wanted to get a feel of the car but Jirou was using his spare time to 'protect' the car. The girls wouldn't have any of it, so using supplies brought by Anne for her costume designs, they tied Jirou up to the roof rack and got in! They never actually drove the car anywhere, instead they just sat in it mucking around while Jirou lay restrained in humility.

Two cars within the same six months? That's a big step up for me I suppose! This car was based on no real design but would probably look like Postman Pat's van with four seats! This doesn't garuntee a future of car illustrations though, probably only when the situation calls for one.

I'm not too fond of the colouring on this one but I did one away from home so I only had a limited set of colours to work with. Evangeline's skin is much darker than I wanted it to be, but the rest of the colours aren't far off from what I wanted.

Have you attempted art with a limited set of supplies? Try seeing how much you can do with so few supplies, good luck!

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