Saturday 30 March 2019

Welcome To The Scrapyard


A lot of years from now, a young girl named Fjuter sneaks into a scrapyard and takes a look around, unaware she is being watched!

Fjuter sneaks around the scrapheaps of Crapper and Smith's Scrapyard in Ki as the day draws to end end. Light is fading away and so Fjuter turns on her old fashioned flashlight that she has brought with her. She was a historian who liked the explore things about the past and close to the subject of technology. She likes collecting machines of the past to either restore, showcase or upgrade, but Fjuter knew she was trespassing on private property.

Along her walk between the piles of scrap, Fjuter found several items that begun to catch her eye. She notices first a single horned helmet that although broken and rusted, resembled the helmet worn by the owner of the former lighthouse in Birdbarndeslynn. There was not so far off a robotic head that she recognized from some old pictures from a robot attack, her view of it was almost completely hidden by a dishwasher so she couldn't really tell. But what intrigued her most was a laptop head. It may have looked simple and it could have been any laptop, but Fjuter was interested because it resembled a Technobian who was said to live with a local mage.

Fjuter knew she wouldn't be able to take much so she carefully tried to fit the helmet onto her head, at least it was sqaure enough for the helmet to balance on top of her head. She also grabbed a hold of the laptop head while holding the flashlight in her mouth to light the way home. All the while, she has no idea that a little security drone was hovering around, watching her every move. If Fjuter didn't shake it off her tail, she stood a great chance of getting caught...

What a way to wrap up March of the Robots don't you think? I've enjoyed coming up with all of these technologically themed artworks and the month just seemed to get better! I hope you enjoyed March of the Robots if you participated, I'll be going back to my normal content for now so come back next time for a comic strip!

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