Saturday 9 March 2019

Drobot 2.0

Do you guys remember Drobot? Here's a look at his original appearance on the blog.

Well he doesn't look like that anymore, because he's been through a pretty heavy redesign!

Here are the sketches that were drawn for the redesign of Drobot. I was mostly focused on redesigning his body, which I wanted to be thinner and to have a more distinct shape than being a rectangular block. It would also be an opportunity to make the suit better match Droey's spoon shirt. The problem with the original design was that it looked more like a robot costume than a genuine robot so those were the errors I set out to fix. By making Drobot impossibly thin, it would be clear that he was a robot.

The bulky hands were another thing to change, since they were based on the original style for Droey's Draws, arms were bulkier towards the wrist. While I could have still done this for Drobot, I didn't think it fitting so I gave him hosepipe arms with mechanical hands which I adore so much!

While Drobot is a bit tall in proportion when compared to the rest of the characters, he hasn't been drawn alongside anyone else so I intend to make his height the same as Droey's but alternatively he could be made taller for practical reasons.

So without further ado, here is Drobot reborn!

I couldn't change much about the head, it was my favourite part of the whole design! The top disc is now white as is his face, which has been given a makeover to turn the chin into his mouthpiece and a mechanical mustache for decoration.

I removed the blueish grey colour in favour for sticking to colours on Droey's scheme and the addition of the darker blue. Anything formerly this colour can now be found in white.

The torso is one of the biggest changes to the design, now a lot more slender and made the resemble the spoon on Droey's shirt. The legs were made thinner for the thighs based on some robotic designs I took a look at while I left the bottom of the legs to be bulkier so the design wasn't top heavy. I was considering making the right arm more buff for more manual duties but felt the lack of symmetry in the arms might have spoiled the design.

Hopefully we can look to a future in which Drobot will be making appearances alongside Droey and Co. , who knows? Would be a shame to put this awesome design to waste! Perhaps someone else will be getting the mecha treatment at some point, would be something nice to try during March of the Robots. Maybe these ideas would work for any characters you have, if you're doing March of the Robots why not give it a try?

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