Wednesday 6 March 2019

Realism Challenge | Jirou Katou

He may look human, but Jirou Katou is actually Technobian! A robotic replica of his twin brother, Ichirou, Jirou is the most human of any machine in the world. So here's a realistic portrait of him.

I felt like drawing a realistic human since I hadn't done so in quite a while but with it being March of the Robots, I thought I would coincide with that by drawing Jirou Katou. This would also be the first time I realistically drew Asian features, since Jirou is Japanese.

There's only been a few times when I've drawn Droey's Draws characters realistically and I remember when doing so for Anne Natalie I didn't use any line art, which looking back is something that would need a little more practice. But I definitely liked how my realism turns out with line art applied to it so I decided for my own satisfaction to use line art in this piece. I kept the detailing as minimalistic as possible to prevent Jirou from looking too aged.

I didn't have access to my larger collection of coloured pencils at the time so colouring Jirou accurately was going to be a challenge. Luckily with a few different pencils for each colour I was able to replicate the colour scheme of Jirou in a pastel tone. Rather than using darker tones of these colours I resorted to using a new colour, choosing indigo since it would suit with the turquoise eyes. The same can be said for how a gradiented background from pale blue to purple was applied to the illustration.

So this one, despite depicting a robot wasn't very robotic for March of the Robots, but I intend to make the remainder of March's content as robotic as possible, so look forward to more robot themed content and more from the Technobians of Droey's Draws!

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