Saturday 16 March 2019

What Happened To Benpress?

Here is an experimental comic strip. Beneath is the plot for it in case any clarification is necessary.

Benpress was hesitant. Approaching a stranger is something that people are warned about many times in their life, and then there's those moments when people would be praised for doing just that. To Benpress, this looked like one of the latter. Tears streamed down the delicate face. Blonde hair, blue eyes, a very cute fang and a soft voice, even when suffering from whatever terrible pain was causing her to cry. Benpress made his decision and placed his hand firmly on her shoulder, reassuring that he was here to offer his support to whoever it was he had just met. She was still streaming tears, but her cries softened into a hopeful smile. Benpress wasn't quite sure, but he could have sworn her face was glitching...

So I introduced you properly to Benpress, but I didn't tell you much about the unusual character whose face is not coloured pink in the last panel. You can read all about Lovebyte the Dating Simulator Demon if you look through last year's Inktober content:

So March of the Robots was a good opportunity to bring back Lovebyte, one of my favourite editions to the Sbookies. So she's back on the scene and looking for love again, I only hope Benpress is okay! If you read the story below it as well then I hope it was a good read, but why didn't I write anything on the comic strip itself? It's time to talk about the making of this piece.

When I put together this comic strip, I decided I wanted to tell it's story visually. I refused to add any narration or dialogue to the comic strip, in the hopes I could create something that would get the important message across visually. Whilst I did write a story for it beneath, that was just a bonus but the comic is intended to be read with interpretation, perhaps you can try it out on a friend and see how close to the text they get.

I felt like creating a monochromatic piece and so I chose to stick to the colour pink, including the line art. I was inspired to do this after looking at my one hue challenge in which I drew Albiona Whitaker. But I was concerned that the final panel would not have the impact I intended if I coloured in only with pinks. This was when I decided I would colour the screen in Lovebyte's actual colour scheme and the rest of the whole piece would be just pink, this would allow for the screen to be the center of attention in that final panel and draw you to the glitching features.

So that's the making of this unique comic strip, you can see I'm still trying to get into the habit of making comic strips in the hopes that one day a Droey's Draws comic will surface just like I always intended. Hope this has given you a bit of insight on the use of colour!

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