Wednesday 27 March 2019

Technobian Train - Biofusion Experiment!

If you have watched Shed 17, you know what I'm talking about. If you're a young child, don't watch Shed 17! Imagine the scientific aspect of Thomas the Tank Engine and presented as horrifically as possible.

Here's an old photograph of an early prototype for the Technobian Trains, an idea to save the railway companies money by investing on sentient locomotives that would be independent, living creatures. However the result was not quite as glorious as scientists intended. The best they could do was get a train to talk and think.

Experiment 17, Jeremy Holden was the first one that survived experimentation and was released to the eyes of the public. The photo was taken close to where Droey and Co. lived but was before their time. Now Jeremy lives at the National Railway Museum must remains static for the majority of his life, coming out to run once or twice a year, apparently it causes him great pain to move about, though less nowadays than it used to, perhaps he is adjusting to the pain.

Jeremy is sometimes allowed to talk of the work that was put into creating him but can get into deep trouble should be talk too much. There was a controversy when Jeremy had been shut up for several years and hidden from public view, all for the sake of mentioning a name- Paul. After some investigation, all that can be assumed is that Paul was another experiment, one the world was not meant to know about...

So why did I draw a talking train during March of the Robots? Well trains are mechanical so I think I can get away with it, especially since I don't so often draw transportation. This is the most detailed train I have drawn in a very long time! Have you ever seen your childhood characters in a darker tone? Maybe try creating that darker style if they haven't already been, see how messed up it can get because this is probably quite tame!

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