Friday 22 March 2019

Droey Draws Drobot Draws Droey

Drawn by Droey as well!

It's about time that Drobot got some love! And of course it was only natural that he be put alongside Droey, his human counterpart. I wasn't quite sure what to do with them though so I looked on the prompt generators for something to inspire me. The prompt I got was 'Drawing Someone Drawing Someone' and it was perfect. What's something you've never seen Droey doing since I created this blog? It's drawing! An artist with a blog called 'Droey's Draws' and with 'Draw' in his name, you'd have thought Droey would be seen drawing a lot sooner!

Becuase Drobot is the robotic likeness of Droey Drawson, he's probably programmed to be able to draw as well so Droey is putting it to the test by having them draw each other. I tried to make Drobot as close to the same size as Droey as possible and while he looks taller here, you've got to remember his back can't curve. I think inevitably Drobot is going to be a little taller than Droey so perhaps it can be an intentional decision to give him a more 'useful' height.

It's the first time I can recall drawing Droey from a side angle, he's always been seen head on or three quarters but to his credit, it's a pretty good side angle! The only part of Drobot's side view that was complicated as his face since the mustache mostly fits around the surface of the spherical lower face.

The two characters were supposed to be pulling identical poses but I forgot to switch Drobot's legs around though perhaps it's Droey's legs that are the wrong way round, who can tell? Other than that the only thing I would change is the shading on Droey's skin which I think was done a bit harshly, it looks more like cell shading than smooth shading as it present on Drobot.

Have you and a friend ever drawn each other? It sounds like a fun bonding activity to try out, was well as an opportunity to practice your artistic skills!

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