Saturday 20 April 2019

I Tried Digital Painting!

I had some free time and access to Photoshop, it was the perfect oppurtunity to try out digital painting, so here's the result!

Here's a very realistic looking Ida Noe and John Esposito, done in the space of three days. For most of the process I stuck to using the brush and smudge tool. This was certainly challenging but I enjoyed working on this very much. It all started with a reference I took on Pinterest which can be seen below.

I started out with Ida by working on the skin, this would take longer than anything else did. I'm still loving how her left arm turned out! The base that I referred to has no shading so I had to work all of that out for myself. For some parts like the hands and neck I would use references or look at my own body for the 3 Dimensional anatomy which resulted in about an hour's work on just Ida's right arm! Once her skin was done Ida was dressed up and given her face, all done in the same method.

I was confident enough to say I could finish John in just a day and so on my final of the three days I got started. I made the effort to shade his skin since at this point I was debating wether or not to dress him in his jacket (it was most amusing to be creating him topless!) but decided to give him the jacket, even though I think the shading is fairly weak.

It was when working on John that I started to illustrate the hairs on both characters, John was first. I looked up some tutorials though I don't think I mastered it quite the same. I enjoyed doing John's hair, in fact his head overall is my favourite part of the whole piece! I can't remember which tutorials I looked up but if you search on YouTube I don't think you have to scroll very far. Lastly John's cap was illustrated and then cut to fit under some of his hairs and the illustration was... almost complete.

The colouring on Ida's skin didn't feel right and I remembered how DrawingWiffWaffles suggested when digital painting to play with the colour balance tool. This worked it's magic and made every colour work together beautifully! If your colours don't feel like they belong together, don't hesitate to try this.

So that's how my digital painting went, be sure to have a go yourself and see what beauty you can create!

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