Saturday 25 May 2019

Tea With A Mermaid

Contrary to belief, the British are not generally obsessed with Tea! We do have some Tea drinkers though, and here's one of them getting quite a surprise!

Remember Raven? She's back and sporting purple hair today! Raven loves her tea and just getting herself a cup when she found there was an unexpected guest bathing inside... it was a mermaid! This, one of the tiniest mermaids to ever be seen is Gibi and she loves tea too. Gibi finds nothing more relaxing than a warm bath and tea happens to be her favourite substance to bathe in. Raven was quite obviously surprised to see her cup was occupied and despite the fact she had to make another cup to drink from, she was delighted to see the mermaid.

Most mermaids don't like to be exposed but Gibi is quite used to it, given she bathes in cups of tea! It's hard to believe that such a tiny mermaid would be such a big star, at least for being proof that mermaids exist. This caused a theory to spread across Jansterwick that mermaids are not ocean dwellers but are creatures that materialise in cups of tea for a sign of good fortune. Does this mean that Raven will gain luck?

Should I have used actual tea in this piece? I would certainly have made things interesting! Maybe you can try using tea or coffee in your art sometime, you'll get some great sepia tones!

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