Saturday 18 May 2019

Beneath The Swanboat

Droey and Co. are out for what was going to be a leisurely ride on a pedal boat but not only does John have other ideas, but they're being watched!

So let's start with what's going on at the top of the illustration. We have Droey and John pedaling Louise the swan boat with Ida and Lottie as their passengers. John would rather ram their swan boat into the other ones and have a laugh while Droey is trying to stop their boat from tipping to one side, with Ida and Lottie feeling they have sat on a death trap! At least this has allowed Lottie to be aware enough of her surroundings to catch Droey's hat as it flies off his head.

But what about this mermaid at the bottom of the illustration? It is Mermay after-all, I can't not include a mermaid! This is a mermaid I sketched last year but never did anything with; her name is Donna.Whenever Donna's around, it isn't usually a good sign for humans. Donna can be a bit manipulative and is usually after something. I don't think she's after Louise the swan boat though, it seems she is more interested in the boat's captains! Will Donna get what she wants?

This illustration was done using ball point pens and water colour pencils. I chose to set the drawing at sunset because the sky could then have warmer colours to contrast to the depths of the water Donna swims in. It's a simple illustration but it's beautiful and I could see it being used in a children's book, having this placed beside a text box to one side.

I hope you're all enjoying Mermay and drawing plenty of mermaids. If you're not doing Mermay, then I hope you're enjoying what is you're drawing!

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