Saturday 11 May 2019

Ariana Vs Anne - Mermaid Dresses

Mermaid dresses are quite popular at this time of year and so Anne's decided to design a mermaid dress. However it isn't getting as much love as Ariana Sketchbook's dress which her Nan bought her!

Something I barely focused on last Mermay which I wanted to cover again was mermaid dresses. Originally this was going to just be an illustration of Ariana showing off a mermaid dress but then out of nowhere it became this chance to include one of Anne Natalie's wacky designs and the chance to spark a rivalry between characters was taken.

Taniya, not needing a mermaid dress to look good, is admiring the six thousand pound dress that Ariana has recently put on and is supporting her good friend's taste in fashion. Anne, who designed her own dress is not impressed to see the clown-fish inspired design getting all of the love and affection. But it has to be said, it does compliment Ariana's hair nicely.

It was quite fun to write the dialogue for Anne's speech bubble. I didn't want to go too far with the rage and say anything that could be perceived as offensive, but I did want to make it appear as though Anne was trying to insult her rival. I think how it has turned out is that Anne is trying to insult Ariana but is only paying her compliments by accident, right up until the Paddington mention which is just completely random!

Have you got any mermaid dresses or mermaid inspired designs? If you're an artist why not try designing some fashion inspired by mermaids?

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