Wednesday 15 May 2019

Star's Hiding Place

Is that Star returning? I can't tell, she's hidden behind a shipwreck!

Star was just sunbathing on the beach as she likes to do by then there was a couple of men who arrived at the beach! Star didn't want to get caught and there was no way to hide just the tail. Normally she would wrap her tail in seaweed and hide it in the sand, the seaweed was to stop her tail feeling uncomfortable, but this time she had forgotten the seaweed. Star decided to continue sunbathing and hope for the best, but then she heard something gently hitting the sand from behind.

Behind her was a beach ball, Star was frantic! Seeing a beach ball always meant someone was going to turn up trying to retrieve it. It was a miracle that a small rowing boat had recently crashed at the beach, leaving half of it nose up in the sand like an arch. Star quickly flipped over to the wreck and hid behind it, tucking her tail in as close as she could while keeping her back as close to the wood of the boat without actually touching it.

A middle aged man, in nothing but his trunks, wandered by in search of his beach ball. His hair was tied up in a bun with an ice-cream wedged within it, it was a miracle how the ice-cream hadn't fallen out of the cornet! He approached the ball and shouted to his friend as he went to pick it up. Star didn't dare leave the wreck until the beach ball game was over. Once it was, she didn't fancy risking the chance of being spotted again so she made it for the sea and was not seen above the water again that day.

Keep this story in mind next time you go out to the beach, if you lose your beach ball somewhere quiet it could be disturbing a mermaid!

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