Saturday 4 August 2018

The return of the Spiderman!

Over a year ago I created a man/spider hybrid, though I can't remember if I gave him a name. In any case, he is back thanks to a little something I found out one morning.

Apparently there is a domesticated bond between a particular breed of spiders and frogs in which the frog is treated like a house pet. The spider catches the flies and feeds them to the frog while the frog, at least I think, protects the spider. Either that or it is the other way around. Whatever the chemistry it inspired me to give our spider man a pet frog to go after little bugs. So introducing Venom the frog!

Those of you who remember our spidey will notice that his design has altered to suit the Drawson style! Yes I am considering him a part of the Droeyverse, Venom as well. So you might even see these two in future pieces alongside Droey and Co! Look out Agrius, there's someone in town with even more arms to work with!

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