Saturday 25 August 2018

Looking back to Mermay

Mermay is an art challenge that takes place throughout May in which you are supposed to illustrate mermaids or mermen. I think it goes that you are meant to do this daily, but I didn't actually start until about a week in to the month and was creating content for the blog alongside Mermay, which I didn't so strictly follow.

The reason I didn't start straight away was because I had my May content already sorted and had decided I would schedule a Mermay for 2019, but a motivational response from a YouTuber artist persuaded me otherwise! And so, with thanks to DrawingWiffWaffles, I have a bit of Mermay art that I am showing you in August! Ooh I'm terrible aren't I!

This piece here is a ball point pen illustration of two mermaids just chilling out in a wrecked boat. Completed in probably an hour, this is one of my favourite pieces out of the Mermay collection. I particularly love how the red mermaid turned out. I was inspired by this illustration of a mermaid waking up in a rowing boat that had been washed up on the shore and decided to take a similar concept here. For those of you who follow my Facebook page, you'll recognise the red mermaid as I posted a picture of her on there at the time!

That's the only art piece I'll be sharing for now, since they were mostly sketches that I was doing in addition to my regularly posted artworks. You'll be able to see more mermaid content as and when, and I intend to dedicate next May to Mermay. How did you like Mermay, perhaps you've got some sketches you'd like to look back on or share! But for now, here's some pages of mermaid sketching among a few other things.

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