Wednesday 29 August 2018

John's Entertainment

Two people are having a pretty heated discussion out in the open. Meanwhile John happens to chance upon this argument and, not being a part of it, he decides to sit himself down with some pop corn and enjoy the action!

Droey comes along and sees John watching the commotion so he approaches to find out what's going on. John gives him the full story; Lexi is having her umpteenth tantrum at Gary, this time because she thought he was eyeing up one of the new neighbours. Droey asks about the popcorn and John explains he got it from the corner shop close by to enjoy while he watches. Droey is not impressed with John's idea of openly watching the couple bicker but John tells him that they should feel honoured to get front row seats! Droey attempted to drag John away but didn't succeed before Lexi drew her attention to them. Luckily no one was hurt but Droey felt it necessary to apologise for his friend the next three times they crossed paths!

You may recognise Lexi and Gary, they showed up a few weeks ago from the other side of a garden fence. If any of you have seen the art piece of a stripper mowing the grass, you may realise it was this couple passing by! When John found out there was a stripper down their road, he was amused and jokingly suggested Droey visit her!

I've been making art on this blog for over a year now and I think my explanation of the process for each piece has started to get a little repetitive. Of course each piece has it's own story but I don't want to tell such similar stories over and over. This isn't me abandoning this trend, I will still talk about the process, particularly if anything unique happens during. But I am considering putting stories with each art piece, since a picture is supposed to say a thousand words this is a good way to make use of that. So in future some Drawson style pieces may have their own little story, which means the OCs could see a little more development and their little world could expand.

Let me know what you think of this change in direction, are there any characters you'd like to see receive focus in any story based material? Are you even interested in the idea of having a story as well as an art piece, like the Santa and Elle series did? I look forward to hearing your views!

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