Saturday 28 July 2018

What Are You Gonna Do?

So the Teen Titans Go movie has come out now. For some this is good, for others it's less. Being on the British land, I have yet to see the movie but wanted this to coincide with it's release date. An inside joke for those in the artist community.

I have had this ready to go since the trailer came out and this will be presented alongside the actual movie clip to set up the joke.

Okay in hindsight, perhaps the upper section of text wasn't required. But here it is, the Teen Titans, DrawingWiffWaffles and her own superhero character Magna Girl against Slade Wilson!

In the actual film, the waffles gag is a reference to one of the more controversial episodes of Teen Titans Go, but to the art community, Waffles is an artist with quite the following which apparently includes the Teen Titans now! I don't know where Waffles stands with Teen Titans Go or if she even knows about this scene but I highly doubt she or her content annoy anyone so Slade's just being a bit of a grouch.

So this was an unconventional post today, being the first meme I have posted. No this won't be a heavily reoccurring thing, in fact I don't see it happening again for quite some time. I'll stick to the normal way of doing things for now, I think we all prefer it. But it was a fun experiment and the first time my art has actually been part of a meme. Have you made any artsy memes of your own? If you want to show off your art memes I'm cool with seeing what you guys come up with!

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