Saturday 7 July 2018

Trying Out A Situation Prompt

There are prompts for just about anything creative. I sometimes use artist prompts to help me, but there's a great deal artists can do with writing prompts. I've started collecting them to see if little scenes can be painted with my characters or any characters and here is the result.

'Seven billion people in the world, and you're overreacting because we killed one man.'
'Seven. Billion. People. Now quit the complaining and drink your smoothie.'

I didn't start with this prompt, but instead started with a character design. Hopefully you're all familiar with Agrius Moth, but the other guy is a newbie. This villain goes by the name 'Raven Hole' and he is indeed a black hole. Rather proud of his image and keen to get whatever he wants, this guy has one trick, one power to grant him the intimidation that'll get him his way.

So in this scene, Raven Hole has just done some of his black hole magic to kill someone and Agrius is in shock about it. I think it only adds to the humour to have Agrius the bad guy just drinking a smoothie alongside another villain, one of a different league.

I also took the oppurtunity to try out some pencil shading, I used only two pencils to shade Raven Hole. Hopefully I'll be able to translate those greys into a colour scheme when I next present Raven Hole. I was going to do the same for Agrius but as you can see in the image below, there was an issue with his glove which meant I couldn't pencil shade there. That's the only problem with the white ink. On the plus side, this allows people to look at our newbie, Raven Hole, more easily.

See that smoothie Agrius is holding, that inspired another new character which you will get to meet very soon!

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