Wednesday 25 July 2018

Have A Nice Trip, John!

A few months back I was thinking of doing a big piece which would involve Agrius tripping up John at Droey's expense. This was a character exchange I didn't want to pass up so while that bigger picture is unlikely to become a reality, John will still be tripped up.

You may notice the colouring might look a little off in this piece, allow me to explain myself. I have used solely Magicfly Pens, I got a set of 100 recently and I really like them! They do bleed a little more through the pages in this sketchbook but they're still fine to use.  Unfortunately not every colour matches those of the character designs and so John's looking a little yellow while Droey and Agrius are a bit dark.

I have never drawn someone tripping up before, so I can't be sure that I have been correct to the laws of physics with John's fall.  But the perspective on John is quite nice, I think I was able to foreshorten well enough. In fact John turned out better than everyone else in this piece, even with the discoloured skin!

Have you got supplies that you are new to? I hope you enjoy making use of them!

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