Saturday 21 July 2018

Sock Kasey

Kasey Golden is an artist YouTuber who specialises in watercolour illustrations and did a face reveal video on April Fools day. She is also great at sewing and made herself a sock puppet which was given a full body in time for her face reveal so that 'Sock Kasey' could be a nude model! I decided to do sketches with the time restrictions set in the video and here are results.

I sketched every one of the poses Sock Kasey did in the video, why would there be a my need to skip any of the poses? As I had said, the time restraints were applied and I hadn't done any time restricted art (excluding my Mr Men Challenge) since the time I drew a live model so it came to me as a bit of surprise how little time I had to actually complete each one. The best thing to do with time restricted sketches like these is to create the fundamental shapes of the whole piece rather than any of the details, otherwise you are most likely to end up with a jumble of little bits of each pose rather than whole poses which costs you the full benefit of sketching a model.

But this was a delightful bit of fun given that this was a sock puppet I was drawing. I went back on one of em after doing sketches and decided to attempt it again without the time restraint, this one naturally came out better than the predecessors. After sketching this Sock Kasey, I decided I was ready to make an art piece out of one of them; so I looked through the lot of them in the video and decided which Sock Kasey was my favourite one to recreate and I believe I chose the second or third pose. Below you will see the finished result.

Given that this was a Kasey Golden inspired piece, I got out my water colour pencils to give the illustration it's colour. I think this was the best decision for this piece and unlike previous attempts at watercolour in this sketchbook, the page didn't buckle! I used a new set of brushes, though to be honest I did struggle with all but one of them. Paint brushes have never been my forte and I think that is partially why water colours and other paints have been a struggle for me. I'm fine as a fine artist (pun completely intended, I am sorry) but when it's time to get the brushes out I'm daft as a brush (okay, I need to stop!), that said this is one of my favourite water colour pieces ever, and yes I do count water colour pencils in said category.

Did you do any sketches of the Sock Kasey? It's a nice bit of fun and I suppose a good practice before or even after you have worked with a live model. You'll find the video on YouTube if you fancy having a try at it yourself, I'd recommend it!

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