Saturday 14 July 2018

I'll Eat My Hat

So I was talking to a friend and told them that if I was wrong about a certain matter, I would eat my hat. I'm not saying I was wrong, but it was suggested that I actually drew myself eating my hat!

It took me a couple of sketches to work out how my face would have to act in order to consume the hat. Of course the jaw would be stretched, but the cheeks might need to bloat. In the end I decided against bloating cheeks because it make me look like I was in pain. The look I was going for was a comedic, defeated attitude. Here indeed I do think those traits have been expressed.

The peek was definitley the part of the hat that I would keep exposed since that would have the hardest time fitting in my mouth. This worked with the shape my mouth would take on, remaining close to it's original size at the top but incredibly stretched out on the lower half. Additionally this way the hat's logo would be exposed and I could only just fit it into view, beneath the teeth.

A bit of skin shading and some lettering later and this piece was done. I also added a blue border around the illustration to make it feel more whole, if that makes sense at all! This was a very humorous piece to make and something I should've thought of doing a long time ago. At last I have done it and love the result, I hope you do as well!

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