Wednesday 18 July 2018

Red And White Return

Over a year ago I illustrated two different characters based on colours, a red man and a white girl. I was going to do more of these and I may still do but it has since slipped my mind. Instead though I have come back to White and Red and revamped their designs!

So White's redesign was a simple task where all I changed was the addition of an ascot around her neck rather than a loose jumper. One thing I liked about her design was how she slit lay hid her face in her clothes, making her look rather timid. The ascot hides a little more of her face and that works just fine for me. Other than that and the stylistic changes, there's nothing different about White.

To be fair, the same can be said for Red since he has no costume changes. Though he does have a set of bulkier muscles to match up to his six pack. He has also gained some height to become taller than White. I didn't intentionally make his dark red a lighter shade, this was a mistake on my part and his dark red should be the same shade that it was in the first version of him.

Not much else to say about these two other than they're back. Maybe we'll be seeing a bit more of them and hopefully this time I'll think to expand on their group with other colour based characters. Do you have any ideas for colour based characters that you can recommend? I'd be interested to hear about it, be it on this blog or via my Facebook page!

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