Wednesday 2 May 2018

Suits of Evil

So the YouTube Art Community did content themed on cards back in February and it reminded me of my own card based artwork that I did the year before I set up my blog, so they at long last have my attention again.

What you see above is their current designs, depicted in my realism style. It's pointless telling you which is which since their logos are a part of each design. This was nice to do, I've always been fond of these designs and to bring them back into the present makes them more of a delight to look at. These character designs were intended to be criminals (Heart's profession being illegal in the USA).

The original designs were drawn in a Chibi style, I had recently been watching some of Mark Crilley's Chibi videos and had given all four of them the same body proportions! Here below you can see the originals, drawn on squared paper.

I was drawing these in 2016, the year I was getting back into art so I was just messing about in a squared book that I had been using for miscellaneous sketches and drawings. It might be worth looking back into the book for anything else I could redraw to present to you in the present day. There's not much else I can say about this, just that one day I might bring them to the Drawson style; if their designs could suit.

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