Wednesday 16 May 2018

Ichirou and Jirou Katou - Remember these guys?

As the title implies, you may have seen this duo before, though they looked very different the last time they were on this blog, over a year ago! Well now they are back and official with a new look and a lot more potential!

To the left is Ichirou, a calm and sensible man. He is the older of the two and tries his best to keep his  half brother in line. On the right is Jirou, the Technobian with an image. Jirou is a special experiment to replicate the human design, he is mounded after his brother who volunteered to the experiment. Jirou is cocky and funny, proud of his Technobian traits that make him different to most of his kind.

These two characters both come from Japan and have a shared gift of synchronised swimming. This seems to be the only form of art or performance that can actually take advantage of having twins, I looked up all the art forms and only swimming was officially synchronised! It additionally saves me from designing these two any swimwear, their costumes from their first appearance are perfect!

I don't intend for these two to be as prominent as the other characters just yet,my ou can expect to see them again in the future. I'll even have to make a piece of them doing what they do best, would make a good symmetry challenge!

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