Saturday 5 May 2018

Style Challenge | Droey Drawson

It's taken me long enough, finally I'm doing a style challenge! Today I've been remoulded to fit seven different franchises.

Starting top left to bottom right, there's the Mr. Men. You've seen some Mr. amen style art on the blog most probably, I did a few pieces last summer. I was going to be blue skinned but I decided instead to go white so that the hat and shoes would better stand out. I still kept the nose blue, and used the standard trainers used by several mister men.

Next up is Gravity Falls. I love Gravity Falls, and back in February 2017 I drew the Doctor Who cast in Gravity Falls style. I like to think I did the style justice, my body is based on one of the teenagers first seen in the episode with the haunted shop. Additionally I decided to give myself a symbol like the ones used on the wheel used against Bill Cipher. Given my shirt has a spoon on it, I chose that to be the symbol that would be used to represent me.

The PowerPuff Girls are a style I find particularly easy to draw, I loved this show in it's former glory. While it would take a fair amount of practice to master a convincing bunch of Townsville citizens, the PowerPuffs themselves have a very distinctive and consistent look between each other. If anything was a struggle with this one, it was working on the cap which is facing forward. The only Chemical X subject o wear a cap would be Brick who wears it backwards. I was able to find art of his cap where I would draw the peek as if it were on the front, thus problem solved. A little bit of trivia for you, Brick and Boomer were voiced by Rob Paulsen, the same voice behind Ninja Turtles Raphael and Donatello!

The largest one on this page (unintentionally) is Fairly Odd Parents. I did enjoy this show in it's early years and love the Butch Hartman art style. This one draws elements from Timmy Turner, Vicky and a random teenager male I found on Google Images. I like that an amount of the characters have legs like Miis, saving a bit of time which I assume was the point of that stylistic choice. I am aware that by this point Fairly Odd Parents has been declared over due to Butch leaving Nickelodeon. Sad news it may be but Fairly Odd Parents deserves a good rest by now. maybe one day it will return almost better than ever before.

My favourite of these is the Panty and Stocking styled Droey. This is an art style that is beautiful but by no means easy to replicate, and there are three other styles in the show alone that can be attempted. Artistically this is the best anime I can think of and I worked particularly hard to make this work out, including the changing width in the outlines. The cap was the hardest part since the only hat that has been seen worn is a police hat in their apocalypse episode. I think I might have made some of it up.

The last one to be done in colour is Codename Kids Next Door. I used to associate this art style with both Mr. Men and Sonic the Hedgehog. Having tried to actually replicate myself in this style, I have really seen it's individuality to be much stronger. I referred to the artwork for Chad and Mr. Boss in particular for this design. The shoes are taken from Abigail with my own little twist to make them look more like my own shoes.

The final one today is ASDF, which was incredibly simple to create. Though I think the moustache was improvised. That's literally all I can say for this one!

I would be interested in doing this one again. Which character would you like to see restyled and which styles do you want to see them in, I wouldn't recommend any amines I'm afraid!

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