Wednesday 23 May 2018

Star and Marco [Finally some SVTFOE fan art!]

I am a fan of Star Versus (that and Star being how I will refer to the show in short) and have watched just about all of it to date, that is as far as the British have gotten into the show. However around the time of starting the blog, Season 2 was coming to an end so I was trying to avoid spoilers. It didn't help that the series would end on a cliffhanger that would be concluded in Season 3, months before we could see it. I have had to avoid this show until now, and so could finally enjoy being a fan once more. To commemorate this, here is a Drawson style depiction of the two main characters.

What's lovely about pencils is that they don't have to be special and privy for their colours to be mixed together. I found myself having to do this for most of the colours in this piece. I did have a colour for Star's dress but it was a bit bright and needed toning down with a slate grey. Marco's hair was a three colour combination of dark brown, maroon and black! I know this artwork is only a case of flat colouring but if you think you're artwork is looking pretty flat and you'd rather it not, then using multiple coloured pencils per surface is a great way to add more dimension. Black (unless the colour is a completely desaturated grey) is not a good option by the way, I haven't used black to shade for a long time now and it makes everything so much better!

The laser effect is something I don't think I've tried since I started out on this blog and I love it. It requires being careful not to do anything in the area meant to be kept white for optimal effect, but if you have a white pen then you should be okay.

These two transferred into Drawson style pretty well. Their body proportions are close to the same and despite losing their rounded cheeks they still have room below the eyes for expressions very suited to themselves. I was glad to be able to fit the hearts on Star's cheeks. This turned out nicely and  is a good dip into the waters of Star Versus. Chances are more fan art will be on the way, when I feel the need to create more!

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