Sunday 1 April 2018

Droey Drawson Is A Daddy!

Leave off Marlene, the baby's brown!

If you don't understand the reference I made just then, I highly recommend to you the sitcom Only Fools And Horses. You'll find the particular moment in the first Season 5 episode.

However this piece is not based on that sit com, this is merely a coincidence. The real source for this piece comes from a picture of me in my early teens with a classmate. We were in personal development class and she was holding one of the dummy babies, we had a picture together and looking back I can't help but notice that the baby was a skin tone neither of us shared! Quite the family photo wouldn't you agree?

I won't be showing the original photo for reasons of discretion but if you're reading this, you know who you are mother of my baby wrapped in blue! By now he's probably in school, he better be behaving!

Okay so all humour aside, this was a fun little recreation with my own spin out on it while I did my best to keep the baby as accurate as possible. The couple are not intended to be our real selves and instead just a random couple who might exist somewhere in the Droeyverse... I really need to come up with a good name for Droey's home. So sorry about the slightly click bait-sequel title but come on, it's April Fools everyone! I didn't crack a joke last year so I had to make up for it!

Enjoy the rest of your chaotic day and you'll see more art from me in the next week.

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