Saturday 7 April 2018

Comic Strip | Need Some I.D.

Inspired by real experiences, I created this humorous little comic strip about those dedicated cashiers who know how to belittle their customers. Enjoy!

I've had this in the works for a fair bit, having finally seen to it. We've got our cashier who simply doesn't care about customer satisfaction; nor does he have a clue how to tell how old someone is and what products require an I.D. card.

This was a great opportunity to use my landscape markers since most of them are rather dark and desaturated, allowing the cashier and the products on the till to stand out well enough. Have you looked closely at the champagne bottle, did you notice how it's design is a reference to a superhero?

I hope you enjoyed this read, and yes this is very similar to things that have actually happened to me before! More quality art to come so stick around!

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