Wednesday 4 April 2018

Character Reboot - Meet Agrius Moth!

Last summer I designed a intimidating looking villain whose gimmick was of the moth. He made a second appearance in the 100th blog post and a third very recently in the Droey and Co. playing cards piece, this was his transition to becoming official as a Droey and Co. character. Now his design is finalised and he finally has a name and more!

So this is Agrius Moth, an antagonist in the world of Droey's Draws. He isn't quite as diabolical as he makes out to be, all of his threats and promises are just for show. He likes to think he is the biggest threat to the world as the most evil villain, and will insist on being the bad guy even though really he is just a little nuisance.

Speaking of nuisance, I had to change his helmet, I loved the look of the former helmet but the two horns were too difficult to draw at various angles, so I altered them to look more like antenna like you see on a moth, which suits him better giving his more pantomime villain style over the scary villain. To add to that, he now has a pony tail which might add a fair bit of humour to his confrontations!

I considered removing his second set of arms, as you can see in his previous appearance he only had the one set of arms! But when I was able to work them into a body type without making Agrius look disproportionate, I was overjoyed to keep them, Having the extra arms will offer met more potential with his poses, making him more liable to experimentation than any of my character yet! Though like the original design, only the upper arms are gloved. I have also simplified Agrius' belt buckle.

His villain name, 'The Convolvulus Hawk' comes from the type of moth he is based on. Agrius was created when a Hawkmoth flew into my window, and I was able to find the type of moth that I think invade my home. This is where his first name and his villain name come from, the Agrius Convolvulus Hawkmoth. At least I think that's right, you've got the puzzle pieces there so I assume you can work it out.

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