Saturday 14 April 2018

Droey and Co play cards

In the last of my school years, I was among a small group of gentlemen who would pass their time with card games. For the most part I was the supplier and we would play a handful of games wherever we could (friendly games, we never gambled). In honour of those memories, I have put together the entire cast of Droey's Draws for the favourite of those card games. This was made before Lottie was introduced to the cast, hence her unfortunate exclusion.

Everyone has gotten themselves dressed up and headed down to the casino. They are now playing their game and paying the price. Tenvad has placed a fair bit of money once again, nobody has thought to tell her that everyone can see her cards! Droey and Quaid are in suspense more so than Ida who worries for John, having just opted out, he's got nothing else to bet.

Anne Natalie is looking at Droey's cards and is positive that this game is his to win! Quaid has had to resort to betting his car while Mac brings out the last of the money they brought. Meanwhile Agrius has decided to disturb the game with a trick he has kept up his sleeve, quite literally! Will be cause confusion and chaos for the players?

This piece took a couple of days to create and was originally going to have just three characters. However the other characters got a bit involved and it led to the entire cast getting involved in this scene. The only one to be unchanged in design is Tenvad, while everyone else is dressed for the casino. It was lovely to draw all of the characters together like this, in what felt like a lively environment.

It was a bit of a pain to draw Agrius' helmet, but this is the last piece in which this design of helmet makes an appearance. You'll also notice that Agrius has lost a couple of arms, don't worry, they'll be back. I took the liberty of using a random card selector to make sure all of the cards were unique (although I made liberties for when creating Agrius' pack since it was a separate pack). The Ace of spades is the only intentionally repeated card as the two in Anne Natalie's hair are fake, designed specifically as hair accessories.

Like I said earlier, this was such a fun piece to put together and I am eager to draw the entire cast together again. They'll be doing something different next time, since the only genuine difference in these pieces would be the addition of Lottie Line. I hope you look forward to seeing these characters again, because you'll be seeing more of them in future!

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