Friday 28 July 2017

Human Body Practice

I found a YouTube video by the user 'Talart' about drawing the female body. I gave it a watch and was impressed by the method, so I gave it a try myself. I have to say, although I don't consider myself bad at drawing bodies, I do struggle sometimes so this tutorial was a blessing to me.

I won't go into details about how this is done as that's what the video is for, it also goes into more depth than what you could get from this post.

I also repeated this technique and altered the shapes to suit a male body. I don't think this worked as well for I didn't refer to any tutorials for this one, just simply changed things from the female body tutorial). While I consider his appearance masculine, the body just doesn't seem right to me, perhaps it's just my eyes.

One thing I have done differently in both of these is that as a reminder for the future, I have marked all of the shapes with a different colour so I can quickly reconstruct the bodies and see how they should look when completed.

I highly recommend that you check out the tutorial video if you want to learn how to construct the body. And if you're reading this Talart, I say thank you!

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