Friday 7 July 2017

Beware The Block

Beware The Block, Creative Block.
Do not Mock, don't succumb to Shock.
Create or seal yourself in Lock.
Believe not in the Artist's Block.

Okay so the rhyme sounds a bit over the top but I had fun writing that. Anyway, I was struggling to decide what to draw and going through one of those periods where I either didn't feel like drawing or just couldn't focus on drawing; and so we come to this.

This may look better as a piece of digital art so I'll probably do this again in the future with some more dramatic effects, that would suit this down to the ground.

Not much else I can say about this one other than, I was going through a creative strain and pulled through with something, You're guaranteed something better tomorrow  but I hope you like this one all the same. At least now this dark shade of blue finally fits with the rest of the design.

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