Saturday 15 April 2017

OC : Ida Noe

If you saw yesterday's post, you may recognize this original character. I have christened her Ida Noe, after the phrase 'I don't know'.

Not to say that this OC has no intellect, but she isn't the brightest bulb. Ida's biggest problem is that she is indecisive, incapable of making even simple decisions. Most of her decisions require prompting and her indecisiveness leaves Ida rather shy.

You'll see that unlike in her original drawing, I have added a bow to Ida and we can now see her full body. I hope people like her dress design, this was genuinely experimental, no reference or anything (naughty me) but there was a certain shape I wanted to create with the dress, which in my opinion may need to be improved but for now is tolerable.

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